Shabbath Shalom in Koh Pha Ngan

On Tuesday Lucas left for Koh Tao, and Helena’s roommate left as well, so we’ve been sharing the room Lucas and I had in the Israeli guest house. We rented a motorbike on Tuesday afternoon, and headed out to find some waterfalls. The bike was crappy and the roads were worse, and the first gear… Continue reading Shabbath Shalom in Koh Pha Ngan

Elephants, Rhinos and Crocodiles

19. March The medicine against my amoebas has not presented any side effects so far, for which I am very grateful! I had a pizza night with the teenagers at KICC on Saturday. 11 people had said they’d come for sure, 5 that they might show up. We were 25! It was a great evening,… Continue reading Elephants, Rhinos and Crocodiles