I realized I hadn’t told the travel-log that I’ve returned home… 😛 It’s been eventful: Went to Kuala Lumpur and had great fun with friends. Also got robbed in my room, and lost my eeePC and my iPhone. Plane from KL to London got delayed by 3 hours, so my transfer from Stansted to Gatwick… Continue reading The Uncle has returned to his Nephew
Tag: London
When I returned to Norway in October, I stayed for a while on my friend Hallgeir’s couch in the basement, and then on a camping bed in my friend Oddi’s living room. Since then I’ve lived cheaply (for Stavanger) in a loft, paying NOK 3500 per month, wi-fi included. I temped as a kindergarten assistant… Continue reading Liftoff
October 19 So. Two weeks ago I posted from KL, and later that day I headed to the airport. By 1am I was on a plane from KL to London Stansted, where I had to spend 27 hours, due to a slight brain hiccup in the booking process… I bought a ticket from Kuala Lumpur… Continue reading Supplies!
Temples of Angkor
I am now travelling alone again. Annikken and I spent our last night together in Vietnam in the company of Karoline, Jake and Bryan at the GO2 in Saigon. I stayed in a cheap dormitory that night, and Bryan saw what it looked like when he followed me over to get money for the bus… Continue reading Temples of Angkor